Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A re-introduction.

  So, here we go.  I've had this blog for a little while now, but found that I wasn't really writing as regularly as I wanted to. There were a few reasons for this.  First - most common - I just didn't have enough time. Second: I'd find myself running into certain details of my life that I didn't feel like divulging on the Internet (I know, kinda shocking for a songwriter to want to withhold personal details, right?)  As a result, I'd just keep my ramblings to the old trusty journal.

Well, a week ago I was in Nashville sitting on the porch on a beautiful Fall day, thinking about where this whole singing/songwriting adventure has taken me in the last decade, and realizing, with some regret, how easily I've overlooked the details of such awesomeness.  For example, all the traveling I've gotten to do for the sake of music; all the "ah-ha" moments when a song comes together after hours of struggle; the fantastic co-writes (and not-so-fantastic ones too, those are learning experiences...), the friends I've made along the way; and the little discoveries that have slowly but surely made my life and my work more special to me (and hopefully to others).

It seemed, then, a given that I should get back to blogging.  And not just any blogging, but one that would have a focus.  So I thought ... the one thing that's a constant in my life - regardless of who's around me, what I'm doing to make ends meet, what struggles I'm dealing with - is music and songwriting.  So, in order to avoid all the uber-personal details, why not keep the blog on this focus?

Right, so this won't be the easiest thing. I know it still needs some development, but I'm willing to dive headlong into it without necessarily knowing what I'm doing (kinda like the first time I taught myself to swim...) ... and hopefully you guys will be along for the ride. :)  ... stay tuned. Plenty to come.

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