Photo by Kym Pham.
Had a chance to catch up with an old friend tonight after voice lesson in the city. Her name is Kyle and I've known her for a while. Anyway, she's quite the bohemian jet-setter these days. :) When she's not working at the American Museum of Natural History, she's working my secret dream job as a waitress in a quaint NYC cafe, and when she's not doing that she's probably thinking about her next excavation (she's studying to be an anthropologist!) or her next overseas adventure... which as I understand it is going to be a backpacking trip through the Philippines. Yeah! Go Kyle! :)
It's kind of funny catching up with a friend who's known me since I just started mustering up the balls to get on stage and play for people. She and some other good friends used to come to almost all my shows around the city, usually after classes...now that I think about it I can't believe they could stand listening to me playing the same songs over and over again, especially when I was mostly a nervous wreck and I hadn't figured out how to sing properly yet. Talk about true blue support, eh? Anyway, it's a funny thing to sit and talk about what's happened since those days, and to hear some feedback on everything so far. I guess time's distance has a funny way of becoming a good mirror, or at least some kind of measurement of where you've been.
So... this week's accomplishments so far: playing Baruch College last Thursday night (the show was topped off with a ridiculously large Dosa - above), losing my cell phone at a Rockland County bar and then managing to get it back, getting my taxes done (TurboTax - yes!), analyzing/talking through a management contract I'm currently mulling over and filming for a promo shoot for Kollaboration NY - an endeavor that took me driving all over 3 boroughs. Later this week... rehearsal for the Bitter End show:
8 p.m. April 5th
The Bitter End
147 Bleecker St., NYC
$5 / 21+
Come! It will be full of Rock-ness... like a Loch Ness. :)
Saturday. Stuck in traffic on the way to DUMBO for the Kollaboration shoot; a shot of Manhattan Bridge from DUMBO; later at a studio shoot in Long Island City.
(Post title is from "Pendulums" by Sarah Harmer, the song currently stuck in my head)