Sunday, May 9, 2010

Not everything is flat in Iowa...

The conclusion we came to was that Jon, Zach (the new guy on drums) and I had spent maybe just under 20 hours in transit for a 45-minute set, but that it was all worth it! The folks at Grinnell were awesome, band sounded great and playing for the first time with Zach turned out to be marvelous. Jon and I topped off our one evening in Iowa with some classy wine and cheese, and we all had a chance to check out the town a bit. Not that there was too much to see... but it was fun no less.

One hiccup though.. I've learned that I'm not a fan of too much flat land. It's a North Jersey thing, ya know? We like our tree cover and small mountains in the distance.

There was an immense and cold wind sweeping across the town while we were there. Sad to report, the wind seems to have followed us to Jersey. The plane landing last night was a doozy, as you can probably imagine. Oh well!

Oh, Jon came up with a pretty funny Iowa joke.

It goes, "Iowa-nna come back next year!!!" :)
Actually, that's slightly modified. Jon likes to say, "Iowa wanna come back next year!" but I think that's slightly redundant. Don't you?

Here's some evidence. :) Oh, and I have footage of the gig as well! I just have to kit-kat it... (you know, break it off into pieces) so it's not one big gig file. Though if I could, I totally would. :P

We stayed at a quaint spot, Grinnell House. Here's a view I snapped.

After the gig, we hit up a bar called Lonnski's where they had a shot-ski (look carefully). Basically, they glued 3 shot glasses onto a little ski and we all drank together. This is the Before picture.

...and the after picture...


It's us in front of Grinnell House, where we stayed. And look! I'm tall! :)

Flat flat flat...


Finally, here's the closer for the evening. An off-the-cuff uke tune about our short trip:

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